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Student Websites: Blog2

Website on Gender and Identity

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About the site:

Thoughts from the Student Creators of the Site - " "The most challenging part of this project has been trying to balance the 2 perspectives to where I'm not offending one side or the other. It was all about explaining our perspective in a way that would lead the other party to ponder over both perspectives and walk away with a new understanding of the other person, even if they didn't see eye to eye. That was the best part of doing this project, being able to put aside my own personal opinions and try and gain an understanding for the other perspective, putting myself in their shoes." - Heather

"When I started this assignment, I didn’t know what to expect, but I later learn valuable lessons that I will take with me on life’s journey. I had challenges along the way but things got easier the moment I got help from team mates. I have learnt so much and how valuable working in team was. It was a very spiritual experience learning about different ways that I can help others who are struggling with their identity. No one in this life is perfect for all us are struggling with something different. We can elevate others by being our brothers keeper." - Medicia

"Working on the project has been a big collaboration with the team. We have been discussing a lot about this matter. I feel that there was high energy when we would come together and critique each other. I know that our knowledge has deepened greatly since we have learning about this subject. By us coming together and putting our heads together we have made something great. I feel that the whole project has been an experience that I will keep dear to me. Not to mention the friends I have made with those I have closely worked with." -Nolan

"Working on this project has been very interesting and very eye opening. So many times it is easy for us to judge and exclude others when we really should be showing them love and friendship. Working with my group has been amazing. For 14 weeks we met together and discussed and shared our personal opinions on the matter of gender and identity and the insights that we have found throughout our research. Not only did I gain greater insight in God's plan, but I was able to make new friends and have an awesome time." -Stuart


  • The extras on this site were fantastic (use of and links to Church resources, stories, talks, videos, etc.

  • Well organized

  • Visually Appealing

Areas of Improvement:

  • Work on allowing the articles to flow together more

  • Some articles were disjointed, work on proof-reading with reader in mind

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