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Student Websites: Blog2

Website Discussing Mental Illness

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About the site:

Stated Purpose - "Illness is indiscriminate. It doesn't play favor to any sides, nor does it affiliate with any one person. It can be a metaphorical plague bearer to any who have the misfortune of meeting with it during their life. Our website seeks to counter that. It's here to help you, and anyone you know, to know that it can't beat you. Not as an individual. So while mental or chronic illness may seem to get the best of you at times, or it may wear at your body and drag you down, it can never conquer your soul."


  1. The site is peaceful in design, and there is a level of empathy that is really beautiful

  2. The pages (aka papers) are written to help the reader gain perspective and comfort

  3. Great titles (i.e. "Comfort in Christ", "An Eternal Perspective" etc.)

  4. The extras are great (links, resources, final video)

Areas of Improvement:

  1. More visual elements would add even more to the site

  2. Even more research, or links for the reader to do more research would be helpful

Student Reaction to the Site:

"This is a wonderful website, and your topic really hits home for me so I really enjoyed reading all your essays, my favorite was the "Comfort in Christ" because I really needed to hear what was said in it and it was very comforting because it reminded me what I meant to my father in heaven and that no matter what he is there for me and loves all of his children and will always be there for and with them." - Sydney

"I have no doubt your website will help those struggling with illnesses. I really enjoyed not only the title "Finding Comfort in Christ" but the entire main page. The purpose statement on the main page was awesome. Your articles were also very well written. My favorite part was the ending of your article titled "An Eternal Perspective" where it gives the scripture about trusting in the Lord. -Peyton"

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